How you perceive it, matters !

Have you ever asked yourself, Why me ?

Sometimes I wonder, why life turned out to be so rude at me, why things happened the way it actually happened ? Why, Oh God !! Why me ?

People say, you are the only in-charge of your happiness, your life, whatever happens to you, happens because of your own thoughts .. but then tell me .. who think bad about themselves ?

Our life is not Maths, it can’t be calculated. No matter how hard you try, you can’t control everything that happens to you ..

Sometimes things just happen because they were supposed to happen ..
All you can do is .. Sit back and relax, have faith in yourself, analyze the situation, explore possibilities , but remember .. not to blame yourself for any wrong move you made, please, rather, try to find something really good about that, try to summon up the lessons life taught you and then, you will come to realize that you are no more the same person, you were !

you are now an improved version of yourself .. much better than before, in every aspect – be it Emotionally, Mentally or Physically !

You know what, life is just like a strict teacher, being rude & difficult to the ones who are dearer to it. Because it wants you to improve, to rise above your levels, and to not settle for anything, less than what you deserve. So it keeps on throwing stones, one by one, sometimes big, sometimes small.

Now it depends on you, how you decide to act. you have exactly two options – to run away or to face them, trying to catch them everytime one comes in your way.

In the starting you may be hurt, may get irritated or you may even decide to quit, but my dear .. the day you decide to quit, do yourself a favor .. turn around and try to look back from where you started.. I bet .. You won’t Quit ever !!

Remember, every time you are put to a difficulty, or under pressure, its life’s way to prepare you for the best coming in your way, so that you learn to appreciate even the tiny things in your life and enjoy.

Life is like a coconut, the deeper you go, the sweeter it gets. Harder you try, more you’ll learn, so feel lucky every time you encounter difficulty because its an opportunity for you to Improve ! 😉

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